Monthly Archives: November 2013

Pesto Pasta!


One of my favourite foods! And so freakin’ easy!

My Pesto Sauce recipe:
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/2 cup oil
2 cups packed basil
3 cloves garlic (or more to taste).
Combine in food processor till smooth.
Add to cooked pasta (8-16oz depending on how much sauce to noodle ratio you’d like)
with 1/2 cup Parmesan and
salt and pepper to taste!
Serve immediately. Refrigerate left overs! Easy and super tasty.

Veggie soup! This is an ‘about’ recipe. So, take caution :P


I love making soup – this is my plain old veggie soup! Can easily be turned into chicken noodle by boiling chicken

wings and breasts in the stock, and then shredding them for the soup! Remember, this is an ‘about’ recipe. It’s more of a guideline. So feel free to play with it!

Veggie stock

2-3 carrots, cut in large chunks

3 celery stalks, cut in large chunks

2 large white onions, quartered (I also sometimes do 1 red and 1 white)

1 head of garlic, halved

1 turnip, halved

1/4 bunch fresh thyme

A few sprigs fresh rosemary

2 bay leaves

Salt and Pepper

Put vegetables in stock pot and fill an inch above the vegetables with water. Too much water will dilute the flavor. Heat to a boil and let simmer for an hour/hour and a half. After it has cooked for said time, remove it from heat and pour broth through a strainer into another pot to remove fully cooked vegetables and herbs. (The vegetables in the broth will not be what you use for your soup, as they are probably a smooshy mess.)

Depending on what you like in your soup, depends on what vegetables you will put in next (and how many. I love thicker soup. For more broth, put in less vegetables. You will be able to eyeball it easily. For thicker, less brothy soup, add in more vegetables.)

Typically (and it changes with the season) I will put in the following:

Vegetables Soup:

2-3 Carrots, peeled and sliced

3 celery stocks

One cup corn

3 large red potatoes, cubed

8oz or so of egg noodles (or shells, any kind of fun noodle, really)

1 large zucchini, cubed

1 large yellow onion, diced

A couple cloves of garlic, to taste, diced (you can omit all together if you don’t like a lot of garlic, it’s in the stock anyhow, but it gives it more flavor)

2-4 medium sized tomatoes, cut into chunks

Salt, pepper, oregano, basil, and thyme to season, to taste

Add in everything except the noodles, when potatoes and other veggies are tender, add in noodles and cook to desired tenderness. Serve with yummy bread 😀