Monthly Archives: April 2013

Hemp Jewelry – 5 dollars! Free shipping! Made by me :D




I’ve been making hemp macrame and string macrame for years, and it’s something that I’ve always enjoyed… just, to keep my hands busy. For some reason I stopped over the last few months. However, our bartender Juan, The RAM – Lakewood asked me on Thursday if I could make two for his daughters. Immediately after leaving we headed over to the craft store & I found the cutest beads to use. And then, I got inspired!

SO HERE’S THE DEAL. I’m taking requests for bracelets, and colour beads on light hemp OR dark hemp. Wooden beads or plastic! For little kids, grown ups, you name it. Here are the two I made for his daughters.

I want to start selling them and send the across the country. Since I can just drop them in an envelope, there’s no shipping.

So for 5 dollars each, you can have cute little bracelets for you or family!

If you’re interested, email me & I will take your address and give you my pay pal account email!


Once I get people interested enough, I can start raffles and give aways, and expanding!