Monthly Archives: November 2012

Home made Tuscan Chicken Stew




I love, love, LOVE this recipe.

I remember a few years ago when I first started getting into the kitchen, this was one of the very first recipes I had tried. I was TERRIFIED with the amount of ingredients, and all the steps involved. I think it took me nearly two hours to prepare the full meal, my first time around the block with it.

I’ve only cooked it two times, other wise, until last night. And man, I’ve perfected it. AND IT WAS SO EASY. It may seem like a LOT your first go, but I promise it gets easier and easier. I was surprised how quickly I had it ready, and how well I remembered what went where and when, haha.

Please share and enjoy! It’s brilliant, healthy, and the perfect fall time dinner!

Tuscan Chicken Stew — Amanda Style

1 onion, chopped

6 cloves (or more, to taste) garlic, minced

1 15oz can Cannellini beans (great northern)

8 bone-in skinless chicken thighs (about 3lb)

                Seasoned with Salt & Pepper
3 tablespoons EVOO
                Pinch or so crushed red pepper flakes   

1 teaspoon (or more, to taste) dried Italian seasonings

                (Okay, I used like.. a teaspoon each of oregano, thyme, basil, parsley, and marjoram. I am a huge herb freak. The original recipe also called for only 4 cloves of garlic, I used six, and it could have withstood even more. I apparently like things strong and earthy. Haha.)
½ cup dry red wine (I used a cheep Merlot. It’s dryer and it also pairs well with tomato based sauces and soups.)

1 14oz can chopped tomatoes

¾ cup chicken broth (about ½ of a small can. You can also substitute veggie broth for a more… veggie… flavor. Hahaha.)

1 small head escarole OR 4 cups baby spinach leaves
½ cup grated pecorino or parmesan

1.) Chop the onion, smash and peel the garlic, then mince. Rinse and drain the beans in a strainer.

2.) Heat a dutch oven or a deep dished skillet (which is what I have. I need a freaking dutch oven. Ugh.) over medium-high heat. Dry the chicken with a paper towel, and S&P to taste for seasoning. Add oil to the pan, and let heat. Once heated, add the chicken rounded sides down. Cook for four minutes, then flip. Transfer to a platter after each side has cooked.

3.) Reduce heat to medium and then add the onion, garlic, red pepper flakes, and herbs. Then cook, stirring until onions are soft. Stir in the tomato paste and cook until bright red. Add the wine and use a wooden spoon to scrape up and browned parts that have stuck to your pan. Flavor, flavor! Bring to a boil and cook until it forms a syrupy substance. Add in the beans, tomatoes, and the chicken broth, then bring to a boil. Place the chicken pieces in the stew, covering completely with liquid, to continue cooking. Add in any juices that have collected when you set the chicken aside. Cook until chicken is done, about 20 minutes or so.

4.) Once the chicken is done, tear up your escarole into bite size pieces (baby spinach is the perfect size. So need to do that there.) and add to your stew. Cook until wilted, then add in the cheese and season with salt and pepper. Serve in a bowl that’s shallow, and where you can easily pick the chicken from the bone!
